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Join us this Sunday at 9:00am or 11:00am!
We meet at 7189 Baptist Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102.
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A Southern Baptist Church
Redeeming Grace Church is a Southern Baptist Church in Pittsburgh. We subscribe to the Baptist Faith and Message (2000) and contribute a generous portion of our budget to the Southern Baptist Cooperative Program.
Southern Baptists are known for valuing a number of things. These include Jesus, salvation, the Bible, personal evangelism, and international missions. We identify as Southern Baptists because we value each of these things also.
However, the most important thing for us is not a denominational affiliation, but a personal relationship with Jesus. At the end of the day, that's what really matters.
With that in mind, our prayer is that our church would not just be a Southern Baptist church, but a Jesus-centered, Jesus-loving, Jesus-exalting, and Jesus-proclaming church. For us, it's all about Jesus.
More Details about Southern Baptist Values
1. Jesus – Scripture says that Jesus is "preeminent" (Colossians 1:18). This means that he is higher and greater than anything else. Moreover, the Bible calls Jesus the "one mediator between God and men" (1 Timothy 2:5). This means that Jesus alone is the way to God and heaven. Therefore, in every sense, Jesus is unrivaled and unique, and we want to bring glory to him.
2. Salvation – Even though people have many needs in life (relational, material, etc.), our greatest need is a spiritual need. We need salvation. Salvation consists both of being saved out of something and into something. First, we're saved out of our sin. Although our sins deserve God's righteous punishment, Jesus died to take that punishment for us. Because of him, we can be forgiven. In addition, we're also saved into something, namely a relationship to God. God has created us to enjoy a relationship with himself, and the only way we can ever have real meaning and purpose in life is in the context of that relationship.
3. The Bible – We believe the Bible is God's inspired and inerrent Word to us. If the Bible says it, God says it. Therefore, we want to follow the teachings of the Bible both in our lives individually and in the life of our church. Moreover, the Bible has a unique power to change us from the inside out. Reading the Bible molds us and shapes us into what God wants us to be. So in every way, the Bible serves as the foundation for our lives. Since God has spoken to us in the sacred pages of the Bible, we don’t have to guess about what God wants us to believe and do—he’s already told us!
4. Personal Evangelism – Have you ever wondered why God doesn't immediately take us to heaven when we die? It's because he wants us spread the gospel to as many people as possible. We do this both with our lips and with our lives. This means that we actively share the gospel with our friends, neighbors, coworkers, and family. It also means that we try to live lives that give credibility to the things we say.
5. International Missions – In addition to seeing people in the Pittsburgh area come to know Jesus, our church wants to see the entire world embrace Jesus! In Revelation 7:9, the Bible paints a beautiful picture of "a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages" standing before Jesus and worshiping. We want to be a part of reaching that "multitude" with the gospel.
These five things are hallmarks of Southern Baptist life. For generations, Southern Baptist churches have held these convictions, and we see ourselves in line with that tradition.