Thank you for your interest in learning more about us!

Here's what you can expect when you attend:


Join us this Sunday at 9:00am or 11:00am!

We meet at 7189 Baptist Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102.


Plan a visit with us!

The best way to prepare for attending is by filling out this short form to plan your visit. While this is not a required step, it allows you to pre-register children without feeling stressed or pressed for time and also allows us to have a gift bag prepared just for you. 



An Evangelical Church

Redeeming Grace Church is an evangelical church in that we believe the gospel is absolutely essential for us to have a relationship with God and have committed ourselves to spreading this gospel message throughout the world.


Keeping the Gospel Central in Our Lives

We want to live every aspect of our lives in light of Jesus—both who he is and what’s he’s done to save us. Our devotion to him isn’t an effort to earn a place with him in heaven but rather a joyful response of gratitude as we remember the magnitude of his grace toward us.

Moreover, we view our identity in light of the gospel—remembering that we are first and foremost redeemed children of God. This is the identity we seek to live out every day.

Spreading the Gospel around the World

We are also an evangelical church in that our mission is to spread the gospel all over the world, as Jesus instructs us to do in Matthew 28:18-20. The church has a distinct mission that reaches beyond its internal needs, and that mission involves joining other evangelical churches in Pittsburgh as we collectively seek to spread the gospel around the city and even around the world.


More Information on Evangelical Church Distinctives

In our society, the word "evangelical" is increasingly associated with politics. However, while our church believes in advocating for the unborn and pursuing justice in society through political action, we do not primarily call ourselves an evangelical church as a way of making a statement about politics. Rather we see ourselves in line with the four values historians commonly recognize as hallmarks of evangelicalism.

1. Being "born again." As evangelicals, we believe that each individual must be "born again" in order to "see the Kingdom of God" (John 3:3). This refers to a change within our hearts that is so radical, it's as if we've actually been born a second time. This change happens when someone repents of sin and turns to Christ in faith.

2. Biblical authority. Evangelical churches have always held a high view of the Bible. We view the Bible as our ultimate authority in all matters. After all, the Bible consists of God's very words to us. The Bible trumps both church tradition and personal preference. The ultimate test of any belief or practice is not what we think about it but rather what God thinks about it, as seen in biblical teaching.

3. The cross. Jesus dying on the cross is the most important event in the history of the world and stands at the very center of our theological beliefs. We believe that when Jesus died, he was dying for our sins. God's punishment should have come down on us, but it came down on Jesus instead. This is the only way we can have a relationship with God.

4. Making a difference. Evangelicals have a long history of being very active in the world. They have done this both by proclaiming the gospel in distant lands and by advocating for justice-related issues in society. As an evangelical church, we're committed to accomplishing these things also, both in Pittsburgh and around the world.